Fee Schedule

The following fees may be assessed in connection with your accounts at East Texas Professional Credit Union. All fees and services are subject to change and/or discontinuation without notice.

Item Fee
Account Closing(1) (within 90 days of opening) $5.00
Account Reopen (outside applicable guidelines) $10.00
Account Services (research / reconciliation) $15.00 per hour ($5.00 minimum)
Cashier Checks $5.00
Check Cashing Fee
(Applies to share savings balances less than $100 and no other ETPCU services)
1% of check amount
($2.00 minimum / $15.00 maximum)
Check Copy $2.00
Coin Counter Fee
(Applies to commercial users/high frequency users/high volume users)
9.9% of total value
Collection Service Fee $10.00 per item
Commercial Loan Drafts for Collection $10.00
Copy of Credit Card Statement $2.00 per month (most recent 24 month period)
$4.00 per month (older than 24 months)
Copy of Statement $2.00 per month
Electronic Processing Convenience Fee $4.95 each
Faxes (outgoing) $2.00 per fax, 10 page maximum
Instant Issue Debit / ATM Card $10.00
Insufficient Funds
(5 fees max per share suffix each calendar day)
$10.00 per item
Internet Banking w/ Bill Payer Option $4.00 monthly
Letter of Credit $25.00 minimum / 2% maximum
Levy / Garnishment Processing Fee $25.00
Low Balance Fee(1) (single service / balance below $100) $1.00 quarterly
MasterCard®  Debit Card Foreign Transaction Fee 1.1% of transaction amount
MasterCard® Gift Cards $2.50 each
Money Orders $1.00 each
On-Self Return Check Fee Current NSF Rate
Overdraft Courtesy of Checking Account
(5 fees max per calendar day)

-$.01 to -$9.99
No fee
-$10.00 to -$24.99
-$25.00 or more 
Overdrawn Courtesy Fee for All Other Deposit Accounts 
(See Tiered Fees Above)
Overdraft Transfer Fee (from Share Savings) $1.00 each
Return Check Fee $5.00 each
Return Item Fee for Loan Payments $25.00 per item
Safe Deposit Boxes(3)
(Daingerfield, Diana, Kilgore, LeTourneau, Longview Main, Mt. Pleasant North & South, and Tyler offices only)

3 X 5 X 22 $15.00 annually (Kilgore, Mt. Pleasant South & Tyler only)
3 X 10 X 22 $20.00 annually
5 X 10 X 22 $30.00 annually
10 X 10 X 22 $50.00 annually (Daingerfield, Diana, Kilgore, Longview Main, Mt. Pleasant North & South, and Tyler only)
18 X 10 X 22 $100.00 annually (Kilgore only)
    Replacement Key $10.00
Drilling of Box $200.00
Stop Payment $25.00 each
Temporary Checks $2.50 / 4
U.S. Outgoing Wire Transfer $20.00
U.S. Incoming Wire Transfer $5.00
Withdrawals, Transfers at other ATM Locations $1.00

(1)Applies to share savings accounts only. (2)Applies to share savings balances less than $100 and no other ETPCU services. (3)NCUA Insurance not applicable. (4)Overdraft Courtesy requires approval through ChexSystems. (5)Electronic statements only with free Bill Payer. Paper statements available for $3 monthly fee.

Monthly service charges (low balance fees) applicable on Checking Accounts only. Please refer to the Checking Accounts page for checking account requirements and details.

Account Monthly Fee
Advantage Checking - $50 minimum to open; unlimited check writing; dividends earned; Overdraft Courtesy available(4); new accounts only: extra box of checks free with first order No Charge
Platinum Checking - $50 minimum to open; unlimited check writing; Overdraft Courtesy available(4); electronic statements only; free Internet Banking with free Bill Payer(5); new accounts only: extra box of checks free with first order

$1000 daily balance maintained
No Charge
Balances below $1000
Platinum Plus Checking - $50 minimum to open; unlimited check writing; requires direct deposit, payroll deduction or ACH cumulative monthly deposit of $1000; Overdraft Courtesy available(4); electronic statements only; free Internet Banking with free Bill Payer(5); new accounts only: extra box of checks free with first order No Charge
Priority Checking - $50 minimum to open; unlimited check writing $10.00
Senior Checking (Must be age 60 or over) - $50 minimum to open; unlimited check writing; dividends earned; Overdraft Courtesy available(4); no fee on money orders; Credit Union checks at no charge (Limit 4 boxes per year, 1 box per order) No Charge
Money Market Plus - $1000 minimum to open; Limit of 6 withdrawals per month; dividends earned; no fee on money orders
$1000 daily balance maintained No Charge
Balances below $1,000 $7.50
Money Market Checking - $1000 minimum to open; Unlimited check writing; dividends earned; Overdraft Courtesy available(4); no fee on money orders
$1,000 daily balance maintained No Charge
Balances below $1,000 $7.50
Business Checking - $250 minimum to open; up to 50 withdrawals per month at no fee; withdrawals in excess of 50 are charged at 10¢ per item; up to 200 checks deposited per month at no fee; checks deposited in excess of 200 are charged at 10¢ per item; dividends earned
$1,000 daily balance maintained No Charge
Balances below $1,000 $10.00
Balances below $1,000 (unlimited check writing) $20.00
Locking night drop bags $25.00 per 2 bags
Replacement keys $5 per key
Rolled coin $.08 per roll
(1)Applies to share savings accounts only. (2)Applies to share savings balances less than $100 and no other ETPCU services. (3)NCUA Insurance not applicable. (4)Overdraft Courtesy requires approval through ChexSystems. (5)Electronic statements only with free Bill Payer. Paper statements available for $3 monthly fee.
Please view our Rate Sheet for minimum balance requirements applicable on dividend earning accounts.